Explore real-world issues and key policy areas, and learn from leading experts who advise governments and shape debates. Our alumni, who form an international network, have used this programme as a springboard into foreign offices and diplomatic services, the UN, EU and OECD, the IRC, Amnesty International, and other NGOs, as well as businesses with an international outlook.
Reasons to study International Relations at Kent
- The research in the School of Politics and International Relations was rated as 100% 'world-leading or internationally excellent for environment and publications in the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF).
- We are now part of the South East ESRC Doctoral Training Centre, making us one of the key training outlets in our subject in the UK.
- Kents world-class academics provide research students with excellent supervision.
- Students enjoy regular meetings with a supervisor and supervisory team.
- High-profile engagement through the Global Europe Centre and the Conflict Analysis Research Centre, which crystallise our research, policy and practitioner networks into an annual schedule of events.
- Students have the opportunities to collaborate with other members of staff through the staff research seminar and the activities of our three University-recognised research centres: the Conflict Analysis Research Centre (CARC), the Global Europe Centre (GEC) and the Centre for Critical Thought(CCT).
- Excellent facilities the Templeman library and extensive computing facilities.
- Research students will also be able to benefit from the skills training offered by the Universitys Graduate and Researcher College.
What you'll learn
Research interests span conflict analysis and resolution, political theory and European politics. The breadth of expertise within the School enables us to provide research supervision on a very wide range of topics across the area of International Relations.
Current projects of students studying in this area include:
- Evolving Sino-South Korean Relations: Interplay between National Identity and Interests
- NAFTA-Land Security: The M辿rida Initiative, Transnational Threats, and U.S. Security Projection in Mexico
- Mediation as a Preventive Diplomacy Instrument: A Comparative Study of International Mediation in Cyprus and Northern Ireland
- Readdressing the relationship between political philosophy and International Organisations
- The Land of Maybe: Faroese Foreign Policy Decision-Making at the European Crossroads
- A Phronetic Approach to the Theory and Practice of Humanitarian Intervention
Choosing a topic
The majority of our research students choose their own research topics. Once you have decided on the nature of your project, you should contact the member of staff in the School whose expertise and interests most closely match your area of research. Youll then work with your proposed supervisor to refine your research proposal - the starting point for your research.
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